Sarah Long was found dead in her home last July. While police are still investigating the circumstances of her death, the battle over her estate is heating up.
Sarah Long was reported missing last July and found dead in her home of gunshot wounds. Initially, her death was ruled to be a suicide. However, inconsistent evidence at the scene later caused police to open up a homicide investigation. The police still do not know what happened to Ms. Long.
She left behind an estate worth nearly $1 million. has the full story in "As police investigate, battle rages over shooting victim's estate."
Here is a quick overview:
Long had previously made a will that left everything to her boyfriend. She also had an estranged husband and, under South Carolina law, the husband should be entitled to 15% of her estate regardless of what her will states. (In Florida, the amount would be 30%.)
The husband and the boyfriend have been fighting over the estate in probate court. To make interesting matters more interesting, Long's family has also intervened.
There are allegations that Long made the will giving everything to her boyfriend under duress and that her husband abused her.
The latest development? The boyfriend and the husband have reached an agreement to which Long's family objects. If it turns out that Long was murdered, then the identity of the killer may also play a role in who gets the estate.
Even if your estate won't involve this kind of intrigue, advance planning can save your family a lot of heartache. Please contact my office to so we can keep your estate plan drama-free.
Reference: (December 24, 2014) "As police investigate, battle rages over shooting victim's estate"